The Flower Moon, Pevensey Marshes

I had to be up and out the door by quarter past three this morning in order to be out on the marsh in time to capture this image of the Flower Moon setting over the Pevensey Marshes. This was the third morning in a row I had to be out so early – the first when I was reconnoitring locations for the shoot, the second yesterday when I pedalled all the way out there in time to see the moon disappear coyly behind a thick pall of cloud – and this morning. Three was the charm, with the skies remaining crystal clear and the moon looking creamy and lustrous against the pink-and-mauve pre-dawn sky.
I always look forward to seeing your bicycle photos on Instagram or here on your site. You work so hard for what looks like serendipity – making your own luck I suppose. Oddly enough this series reminds me of a photographer I discovered years ago, Levon Biss with his series of microportraits of insects on Completely different subjects and methods, but you each have found a well-defined niche from which unexpected variety and beauty can emerge. I was lucky enough to catch his first large print exhibit at the natural history museum in Oxford on a UK business trip. I later bought his beautiful book. I believe Levon mainly did sports photography before but bugs have blossomed for him. I’m retiring soon and hope to explore more of England on future trips with my wife. I really miss it. I hope your series results in exhibits or a book someday. Thank you!
THank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it. I put a lot of thought and effotrt into producing these images and it is lovely to have such nice feedback. Thank you. I hope you have an oportunity to explore more of Britain – there is so much to see here. Have a great day – sand thanks again!